
Wikipedia is a free crowd sourced online multilingual encyclopedia thats been around for close to 23 years and is one of the most most visited sites(4th most visited site on the internet as per SEMRush Report) on the internet when it comes to finding information with more than 15 billion organic monthly traffic.
The platform is collaboratively written by volunteers worldwide, with articles in over 340 languages. Its content is freely licensed, allowing anyone to use, edit, and distribute it. Wikipedia's commitment to a neutral point of view and verifiability has established it as a trusted source of information. The site is hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation, a non-profit organization that also supports various other open-content projects.
In this case study, we will look at the wikipedia from an SEO standpoint and will evaluate its traffic, backlinks, performance and more and look into its growth.
Wikipedia ranks mostly for the informational queries as it is a platform to provide information, but of all the keywords it rank for, only 67% of those are informational and rest are transactional and navigational, we will look into this in depth in the later parts of this case study.
Although there is no other platform like wikipedia, there are some other platforms as well which provide information, though not exactly in text format, for example, youtube reddit, amazon(for product information), facebook etc. All these platforms do provide information on lots of topics around the internet.
Since wikipedia is owned by an non profit organization — WikiMedia Foundation, they don’t have much paid traffic through marketing campaigns on social media.
Lets dive deep into the case study now.